Best Specialities for IMGs in NZ

According to the Immigration New Zealand website there are a few medical specialties which are on the Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL). As the name suggests, these are the specialties which are currently in high demand in New Zealand. If you wish to pursue any one of these, you would be eligible under the 'work to residence' category.

As quoted on the Immigration NZ website
"If you meet the requirements on the list and in immigration instructions, we will accept that no New Zealanders are available for the position(s)"

What qualifications do they require?

NZ registration within a relevant provisional vocational or vocational scope of practice with the Medical Council of New Zealand (Qualifications in this area of absolute skill shortage are: a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)

As on October 2012, the list includes the following specialties:
  • General Medical Practitioner
  • Anesthesiology
  • Radiology
  • Intensive care specialist
  • Ob/Gyn
  • Pathology
  • Psychiatry
  • General Surgery
If you have already specialized in one of these specialties and want to work in NZ, you may have to register through the vocational registration pathway.

How can I view the updated Skills Shortage List?

Follow these steps:
  • Go to this website and scroll down
  • Under "Search Lists" - click on "Search the LTSSL and ISSL"
  • In the Search box type - Medical Council
  • Scroll down to see the list
There is also an Intermediate Skills Shortage List which can be viewed on the same website :)

Unfortunately, first year Resident Medical Officers (aka House Officers) are not on this list!

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  1. Hmm, can you please give me light on an issue I have now? I'm a medical student here in my country, Brazil, and I plan to become a psychiatrist in the future. I've been reading your blog and other sources and I've been noticing that it's pretty tough to get a house officer position and work in New Zealand after I graduate. So I was wondering if I could do my psychiatry residency here first and then try to work in New Zealand. Would that be easier? I mean, I'd probably have to take the USMLE and then NZREX as well, but after I'm done with them, would I experience a similar difficulty to get a positiion to be supervised and trained like the graduates have to get a house officer job?


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