NZREX and USMLE Step 2 CS have a lot of similarities and differences. NZREX is just like Step 2CS except:

- there is an examiner IN THE ROOM with you (who may or may not ask questions).

- communication skills are probably given a lot of importance on NZREX compared to Step 2CS

- you don't have to write (or type) notes at the end of each station.

- there are static stations in NZREX (MCQs).

- In terms of difficulty, considering the existence of recalls for NZREX, NZREX could be considered as easier than Step 2CS (?)

- NZREX results are declared within 5 days :) compared to a few weeks for USMLE

- Procedures like IV catheterization, suturing, speculum examination, etc could be (and have been) asked on the NZREX.

If you can come up with more points, please let us know in the comments section below.


  1. NZREX passing score has changed and less people are getting through whereas USMLE has high pass rate .

  2. is usmle step 2 CS suppose to be given beforengiving NZREX coz step 2 CS and The main NZREX are same clinical xam parts

  3. hi is this blog still active?? Any help for 2015 candidates?

    1. What sort of help are you after? :)

  4. is preparing for step 2cs is enough to pass NZRX and will a high score in step 2 and 1 get ma a better chance for job offers

    1. Step 2 CS could help u with nzrex. But that shouldn't be the only thing you do to prepare for NZREX. Nzrex is a different exam altogether and requires a different approach.

  5. Is this blog still active? I am planning to start my prep for NZREX as I think NZ is a good choice for IMGs.I am from India and I still have two years for my graduation.


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