Latest News

There haven't been too many articles in the news lately.
Here are some older ones you may find helpful.
Please be aware that these are older articles and may not paint a good picture and may not be consistent with the current situation.

- Highly skilled migrants turned away from Kiwi jobs - Campbell Live on 3News
May 2014
- Doctors complan to the Human Rights Commission - TVNZ
April 2014

- Doctors who train overseas, struggle with placement -
April 2014

- Foreign Doctors demand action - RadioNZ
April 2014

- There was a meeting with Prof Des Gorman where IMGs and others discussed the future and fate of Overseas trained NZ citizens and doctors. The topics discussed and details will be out shortly.
November 2013

- Northern DHBs usually has 140 first year House Officer positions. This year they only had 50! A lot of SHOs (especially the ones in Auckland) don't move on to training programs, staying in their current positions and clogging up the system. - (that is what we've heard, may not be accurate)
Nov 2013

- NZREX preparation programme and the Ready to Work programme have been discontinued due to shortage of jobs for IMGs
Nov 2013

- Foreign Doctors taking Kiwi Jobs (NZ Herald)
Nov 2013

- Job shortage for junior doctors
stuff co nz
Aug 2013

- Timaru draws in junior doctors
stuff co nz
Aug 2013

- Future doctors concerned about health workforce strategy
scoop co nz
Aug 2013

- Reliance on immigrant doctors 'huge problem'
stuff co nz
Aug 2013

- Budget Cuts!
scoop co nz
June 2013


  1. Will New Zealand ever open to IMGs again after suspension of NZREX prep. programme or it will get into default like health force of Canada??

    1. Your question isn't very clear. NZ is still open to IMGs. You can still take the NZREX without the NZREX prep prog. Getting house officer positions, however, is difficult.

    2. Its difficult to the house officer position because? Can you please tell more about this or sharing a weblink is also appriciated. Thanks

  2. Latest news don't look very appealing :(

  3. How difficult is it nowadays to get a House officer position for a IMG who haven't graduated in USA or western Europe? Is it almost impossible or it just takes a little of patience and time?

  4. How difficult is it nowadays to get a House officer position for a IMG who haven't graduated in USA or western Europe? Is it almost impossible or it just takes a little of patience and time?


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