Study Guide!

How to prepare for the exam.

  • Preparation tips

NZREX is an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE). 

There are lots of OSCE books available and the following study material is highly recommended for NZREX preparation.

If you plan to buy books on Amazon, sign up to Mr. Rebates as you can get a small part o your payment refunded as cashback. Click on the image below to sign up!

Generally, candidates who pass the exam suggest reading the following books:

1. General Practice by John Murtagh (7th edition)

2. A good OSCE case study book like "AMC Handbook of Clinical Assessment" or "Katrina Hurley" or "Hemant Kakuntala" or any other OSCE book. You can find some of these books here.

3. Sample Xrays and ECG's and Lab investigations. 

4. Talley O'Connor Physical Examination Videos (goes along with the Physical examination book)

5. Bates Physical examination videos. Both Bates and Talley videos can be found on YouTube.

  • Which lab investigations do I need to know?
Most common ones. Here is a list to get you started

- Full Blood Count

- Serum Creatinine, Electrolytes

- Iron Studies - Link 1

- LFTs - Link 1

- Thyroid Function Test - Link 1Link 2Link 3

- Anemia - Link 1, Link 2, Link 3

The best way to get these right is to find a table that can differentiate various possibilities of the test result (like the table in the LFT link above).
  • So how do i get study material?
Depends on how comfortable you are reading on your laptop. Most of these books can be found online if know where to look. However, if you aren't comfortable reading these on your screen, it may be wise to purchase them. Links to purchase these books have been provided on our website.
  • How many months does it take?
It should generally take 3-4 months to prepare for the exam. This may vary depending on your current knowledge and experience. As the Exam is clinical, you should stress more on case studies, management, counselling and communication skills. 

Murtagh is a big book and may take up a considerable amount of time. Make sure you plan accordingly and don't miss out on videos and OSCE cases as these are more important!

You can find a compilation of various physical examination pdfs at the link below.

Physical Examination Guides!

  • One day Communication Skills Course
Connect Communications has a one day communication skills course for NZREX candidatesSince communication skills plays such an important role in the NZREX, it is highly recommended that you take the course. 

It is is held in Auckland a few days before each exam (usually on a weekend). Atleast 3 candidates have to enroll for the course to be carried out. They accept only 6 students per batch and hence you must apply well in advance. 

To apply send an email to expressing your interest. This course is also commonly known as the Dr. Richard Fox course.

Have some questions about the exam? You can ask your questions in the comments below or see if it is already answered in our "Frequently Asked Questions about NZREX"


  1. anyone joining the richard fox course in november 2012???

  2. They haven't started accepting applications for march 2013 yet.

  3. i am doing the course in many other students? any idea?

  4. wonderful...very helpful

  5. murtagh is a huge book.hw much time does it take to read it??? do we have to read the entire book???

    1. murtagh can take a while to complete..depending on how much you read took me 2 months to go through the entire book..its not compulsory, but helps for statics and to refresh your knowledge :)

  6. hi rahul, are you from india?
    i just need some info can u leave ur number so ill contact you
    thank yu

  7. Replies
    1. Hey, can you help me with the exam? I need some guidance..

  8. Hi... Can one read Kaplan and USMLE first aid for this exam? or do I need to buy the recommended books only?

    1. you can read any book you like, as long as it covers a broad range of topics as the exam tests a broad range of medical knowledge. However, the OSCEs are a different ball game and kaplan wont help there.

  9. Hi, I'm looking for a study partner in NZ for the March 2017 exam.

  10. Hi, I am looking for a study partner..for the Nov 2017 exam..

  11. thank you for your post. i passed the exam and though i'd come back and thank you for all your help.

    1. can you please share your study plan and materials that you used ??

    2. congratulations of passing, what study material would you recommend for someone giving the exam in 2025

  12. can you please add me to your whatsapp group?+64272143388


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