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Definition - HO, SHO, Registrar, RMO

Have you wondered how a House Officer is different from a Registrar or a Senior House Officer. What do these designations mean?

Lets get straight to the point!

  • House Officers (HO- also knows as Interns) are either NZREX graduates registered with a provisional scope of practice OR NZ/Aus graduates in their 1st post graduate year. For the first two years they are referred to as House officers.

  • 'Senior' House Officers (SHO) are doctors who have worker as house officers for atleast 2 years.

  • Registrars  are doctors with even more experience. Usually doctors work as senior house officers for around 2 years before they are considered registrars.

  • Resident Medical Officers (RMO) include house officers, senior house officers and registrars.

Have any questions or thoughts? Please do not hesitate to leave a comment below :)


  1. If you just need to work a year as a house officer, why would anyone spend more years doing it? that I don't understand

  2. what will be the process to pursue postgrad course once you are registered with nzrex?

    1. after NZREX, you have to work as a house officer (RMO) for atleast 2 years. Then apply for a specialty of your choice - as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. Each specialty has dfferent criterias. Once accepted, you enter the training program or post grad course as you mentioned.
