How to introduce yourself

During the exam, there are a variety of ways you can introduce yourself.

Your introduction is obviously your first contact with the patient and also your first chance to impress both the actor and the examiner.

Remember that out of the 100 points for each station, the patient and examiner can collectively give you 30 points based on your performance, professionalism, communication skills, etc.

You may go into the exam with a set introduction in mind, however, be prepared to make instant changes to it based on how the situation in the exam room is. Here is an example:

Candidate: knocks and opens door

Examiner: (usually standing) Hi XYZ, (shakes hand) I am the examiner and here is your patient (points to patient), you may start.

Patient: (may be sitting or standing).

Candidate: (bold and confident) Hi, (smiles + shakes hand with patient) my name is Dr. ABCD XYZ (full name), you may call me Dr. XYZ (shorter version of your name). I am the intern in the emergency department (designation). May I know your name please.

Patient: My name is John

Candidate: Thank you John,

This is where you make sure that the patient is comfortable. If he's standing, ask him if he'd like to sit.

Candidate: So John, I read that you have come here with some chest pain. Is it okay if I ask you a few questions related to that? (consent/permission to go ahead)

Patient: Sure

Candidate: So John, can you tell me a little more about your chest pain? (open ended question)
Patient: Well, I had a small argument with my wife last night after which ... ... ...

A few tips for your introduction:
- It would be ideal to state your full name followed by a shorter version of your name. Make sure you separate your first and last name with a pause especially if you have a long name. So a 'Dr. Dominique Annabelle" shouldn't sound like 'DrDominiqueannabelle". If you have a long name it would be best to say it as 'Dr. Dominique (pause) Annabelle'. 

- If the patient's name is John Wright, either you call him Mr. Wright, or say John. Calling the patient Mr. John is not correct. (something that was pointed out by one of my counselors)

- Make sure the patient is comfortable. Offer a seat.

- The question stem usually mentions your designation. Most times you are the intern. You may be an intern in the emergency dept, or in the diabetic clinic or in the medicine dept, etc. Try to change your introduction accordingly.

- Be confident, bold and make eye contact.

- Be prepared for unusual situations and non co-operative patients. E.g. You should not be smiling when you are about to break bad news.

- Practice your introduction with someone till you are very confident about it.

- There are a million ways to do this, find the words that best suit you and stick to it.

- You may start with the patient's name: Hi Mr XYZ, I am Dr.. .. .. 

- Everyone make mistakes, do not panic if you make one during the exam.

A few more sample introductions:

  • Hello Mr Blake, I am the junior house office in the hospital. What brings you to the hospital today?
  • Good morning, I am Dr XYZ and I am the intern in the clinic. May I call you Doreen?
  • Hi, my name is Dr XYZ and i am the intern in the hospital. I am here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your Diabetes.
  • Hi, my name is Dr XYZ and I am the house office in the emergency department. How may I address you?
Remember, there is no one right way of doing this. Try out all these options and see which you feel most comfortable with. Mix and match different styles till you find the perfect introduction.

How would you introduce yourself on the exam. Let us know in the comments below!


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