Most overseas doctors looking to practise medicine in New Zealand must gain registration from the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ).

For this purpose you must take the New Zealand Registration Examination (NZREX).

Check to see if you are eligible for the NZREX pathway.

Once you pass the NZREX, it will be valid for 5 years, before which you must get registered with the MCNZ.

For more information on NZREX and related topics please feel free to browse topics in the menu on the top and the links below.

Here is some general info about the exam:

- its (usually) held 3 times a year. There have been recent changes to the exam schedule as there are very limited number of job opportunities after you pass the exam!

- most overseas graduates (who don't come from a comparable healthcare system) need to take the exam to work in NZ as a doctor.

- once you pass the exam, you must apply to work as a 1st year house officer (yes, you get paid). Most people get a Work visa once they get a job.

- once you pass the NZREX, there are no exams to get into a post-graduate specialty (un-verified info)

- in about a year or so, after yo start working, you may apply for a Residence Visa if you don't already have one.

salaries for house officers are quiet competitive and are governed by the RDA-MECA.

Observerships (before or after the exam) are free and pretty easy get as long as you apply well in advance and are not as easily available as they used to be. Only a few selected DHB currently offer observerships for NZREX candidates.

- you can take the NZREX while on a visitors visa, you don't need any special visa or a students visa.

- the average passing rate is usually around 50 - 60%

- work on your communication skills for the exam!

- get some tips for the exam from successful candidates

Sources: Various online resources like the MCNZ website, RxPG, Facebook and Orkut NZREX groups, AIPPG and other blogs.

P.S. This website is for information purposes only and is in no way directly/indirectly affiliated with MCNZ or NZREX. All information provided here is obtained from various other online resources which may not be accurate. Our motive is to help fellow NZREX candidates with as much information as possible.


  1. it would be highly appreciated if candidates who passed the NZREX can help future candidates. Not much info about NZREX online as compared to other exams like usmle and amc :(

  2. Hi, kudos to the blogger who has made this site, its very informative and gives us updated info on nzrex and related topics.
    awesome work!!!

    PS- who is the blogger behind this site??

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. all d best bro, hope we all make it on the other side..
      And a reminder to all of us, after we pass the exam , kindly contribute to the site, so that out juniors can know about this 2 , considering the limited info on NZ...

  3. http://www.kiwihealthjobs.com/ace/graduate-doctors

    Who is eligible to participate in the ACE programme?

    Graduates from New Zealand medical schools and are citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand/Australia.
    Graduates from Australian medical schools and are citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand/Australia.
    Graduates from New Zealand medical schools and are not permanent residents of New Zealand/Australia.
    Graduates from Australian medical schools and are not permanent residents of New Zealand/Australia.
    dear GUys!
    i just read the information on kiwihealthjob. I am quite confued about the chance to get internship after clearing NZREX. Could you please health me to clear the question:
    1 .All NZREX graduates have to apply through ACE of different DHBs?
    2. Since 2013, all chances of getting internship are Given to only IMG with NZ PR or citizen?

    1. Only graduates from NZ and Aus med schools are eligible to participate in the ACE matching program.
      Nzrex candidates can only apply to DHBs directly. they are not eligible to take part in ACE.
      Most available internship positions are filled by the ACE program, however, every now and then someone drops out and a vacancy pops up, thats when NZREX candidates can apply. So there still are chances to get a position in NZ.

    2. Hi Gs, I was wondering how tough it is for an IMG to find an internship after passing the NZREX. Also, are these spots only reserved for citizens/PR's?

    3. It is tough as of now. Lot of NZREX pass-outs already waiting for a job and some more added to the list every 3-4 months! However, if you have good NZ references and a good CV, then things could get better.

  4. GS, thanks so much for your information. hopefully, i could find an internship position aster gaining NZREX certificate. I am wondering that AMC clinical preparation course in Australia may help me to take NZREX or not since i am planing to take the course in Australia .

    1. Not sure how the AMC course would help for NZREX, but i think if they practice OSCE type cases with you then it could be of some value. If not, then you should probably look elsewhere.

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