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OPD Rooms in NZ

The OPD rooms in New Zealand my look very different from those in your home country. Here we have a few pics of some OPD rooms in one of the hospitals in New Zealand.

If you are doing or plan to do an observership in New Zealand, I would highly recommend going personally and taking a look at the OPD rooms at your hospital. Yet another reason why doing an observership in NZ is important. This is also a "Must-Do" during your observership.

1. Bedside - the head rest can be elevated. The sphygmomanometer can either be mobile or fixed to the wall. Either ways, it has a mark on the cuff that says 'artery here' (or something like that). You must line it up with the brachial artery while putting the cuff on the patients arms.

2. The wash basin: Pretty straight forward.

3. Doctors Desk:

4. Wash basin, closer look.

5. Ophthalmoscope, otoscope, reflex hammer and tuning fork: The ophthalmoscope and otoscope may be dismantled. You must try it out and know how to fix it back in place. Make sure you use a new ear piece for your patient and dispose the used one when using the otoscope :)

I sincerely hope this helps candidates who do not get an opportunity to Observe at a hospital in NZ.
Good luck!

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you so much.
    My exam is this sept and i shall do an observership at Waitakare hospital tthis mnth end.
    All your suggestions and tips would be more than welcome.
